Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fuzzy Head

No, this is not a new name-calling name that my daughter has picked up. This is Kira's brain on antibiotics. About 2 weeks ago I went to the doctor because of some swollen lymph nodes in my neck. He prescribed antibiotics AKA hugest horse pills everrrrr and off I go to recovery. Y'all, i had lost my bloomin' mind, which does not work well for working mama w/ lil ones. So I'm finally done w/ the pills, nodes are down, and the fog is clearing. I'm not a big medicine taker so i don't know what the deal was. Our weather has been pretty up and down too.

Ok, enough about me.

My boy is at that stage. The stage about learning boundaries and personal space.
Common example:
Lilia is playing with something. Lennox wants said something. Lilia says "No, brother!" Lennox hits or pushes sister. I give him "the look". He says "Nooooo." And puts himself in timeout.

This is the part of the show where Mama tries really hard not to laugh.

After about a minute I call Lennox back to the scene of the crime to say sorry and give hugs to Lilia and happiness ensues. I am always fascinated as to how much little ones absorb and understand. Right vs. wrong. Lilia is lying at times. About nothing specific. I will ask her if she took a nap today. She'll say yes. I check with my Mom. The answer is no. I don't know if she thinks she'll get in trouble or what. I do not like it.

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