Thursday, December 22, 2011

Back on the bandwagon

Sidenote: I love that movie!

Ok, I've been a major slacker on this here blog and truthfully I kind of forgot about it until this week. My mom finally discovered it and told to keep it up, so here I go!

It's Christmas time! Starting today I am off work with the kiddos for the next week and a half. A few holidays and 2 glorious weekends with the hubs to go! My 'rents have tickets for us to go to the New Year's Day Falcons game and I cannot even tell how excited we are!

Other than it being a celebration for Jesus' birth, Christmas is getting more wonderful every year. The kiddos are getting bigger and older and are being able to take part in more traditions (that we make up as we go). Movies: they love the classics so far. White Christmas, Rudolph, Holiday Inn. We are going to tackle Miracle on 34th Street today.
I've just been approached with the question "Why don't elves have birthdays on Christmas, just Jesus?" Oh, little one, how you stump me with your mind powers. We have taken the Santa approach that St. Nick was real and Santa is fun, but for pretend. I do remind Lolly not to tell the other kids though!

Riddle me this: how did my son, who is 2, get more presents from his class than he will get on Christmas?! Truly, I feel this is more of a parent thing. I refuse to enter into competition.

Merry Christmas from the CutiePies!
What Christmas traditions do you have? Which do you want to start? I love the idea of an Advent Calendar... maybe next year, eh?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Good idea/Bad idea?!

Night 2 of sibling room-sharing has commenced. Last night was fine. Other than Lennox putting half of Lilia's clothes in the toy chest 3x and giggling crazily every time I threatened his tooshie if he didn't stay in bed, they did pretty well.
Tonight on the other hand is a giggle fest betwixt the piggies. I'm hoping this will smooth over after a few nights, just like when we moved Lennox into his big boy bed. i just think they are enjoying it a little too much. I love that my kiddos get along (most of the time). We had baths, teeth, book, tuck in per usual. What else could i do to make them know for reals that bed time is NOT play time?!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Say what?!

Miss fellows = marshmallows in Lilia language.

"I wish I had red hair like Ariel."

Now that Lennox is finally using yes and no the way they were meant to be used, I can actually ask him questions and discover his true feelings on the subject. Although yes is still more like yah. Like, "Yah, mule!" Which can sometimes be directed at Lilia. I don't know where that kid gets her stubbornness from.... :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Warm Fuzzies

I am definitely a cup half-full kinda gal. I even made mention a few weeks ago that I think of it as 3/4 full sometimes. Mainly because I know that God is in control of my life and what goes on in it.
Taking a cue from "count your many blessings" and "stop and smell the roses" I like to point out and notice "warm fuzzies". Simple, little happenings that make life a bit more bearable, also known as "God things". Recently, on the same day, I received a bill from a doctor and a refund check from our car insurance company. The refund check was more than the bill, plus $2.00!

Over the past few months whenever I hold my son (who will be 2 in 2 weeks!) he puts one arm behind my back and plays with my hair. SUPER WARM FUZZY!!!!!!!!!! It is the sweetest thing.

Be on the lookout for warm fuzzies in your daily life. God has placed them there for a reason. :)

um... I just realized that I already have a post with the word "fuzzy" in it. c'est la vie.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


My son looks adorable in a polo shirt. Right now he is wearing one... and not much else. He is also pulling a slinky around the house, running and giggling. True happiness. Oh, and now he's dancing to music that his Little People Farm makes.
I like being able to enjoy the little things in life through my kids.

Friday, March 25, 2011


That is my dinosaur impression. You know the part in Jurassic Park where the fat guy is trying to get away with the frozen embryos and runs into the that cute dino that then shrieks and flares his neck-mane and spits the goopy stuff and then you die??

Well, my son is that cute/creepy dino.

He will come up to me and give me that innocent grin with dimples blaring and cock his head to the side... then I know he wants something or did something.
I pretend that all he wants is a Mama hug and kisses. And I send him on his way.

Oh, the irony. He's wearing a T is for Triceratops shirt today. But who doesn't love a triceratops?!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fuzzy Head

No, this is not a new name-calling name that my daughter has picked up. This is Kira's brain on antibiotics. About 2 weeks ago I went to the doctor because of some swollen lymph nodes in my neck. He prescribed antibiotics AKA hugest horse pills everrrrr and off I go to recovery. Y'all, i had lost my bloomin' mind, which does not work well for working mama w/ lil ones. So I'm finally done w/ the pills, nodes are down, and the fog is clearing. I'm not a big medicine taker so i don't know what the deal was. Our weather has been pretty up and down too.

Ok, enough about me.

My boy is at that stage. The stage about learning boundaries and personal space.
Common example:
Lilia is playing with something. Lennox wants said something. Lilia says "No, brother!" Lennox hits or pushes sister. I give him "the look". He says "Nooooo." And puts himself in timeout.

This is the part of the show where Mama tries really hard not to laugh.

After about a minute I call Lennox back to the scene of the crime to say sorry and give hugs to Lilia and happiness ensues. I am always fascinated as to how much little ones absorb and understand. Right vs. wrong. Lilia is lying at times. About nothing specific. I will ask her if she took a nap today. She'll say yes. I check with my Mom. The answer is no. I don't know if she thinks she'll get in trouble or what. I do not like it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hollow Leg

Whoever came up with this saying was obviously referring to my son. I picked him up from daycare at 4:30ish where he was finishing his little snack. It is now 4:55ish and he is asking for "more eat". For real, little dude?!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Why is it that kids hide in the oddest, smallest places? Is it for a sense of security?
Nearly everytime someone comes home my daughter says "I must go hide!" and dives under the coffee table or the kitchen table. As soon as the arrivee enters, she says "I can see youuuuu!!!" thus giving her whereabouts away.

Every morning as I am getting ready for work Lilia tells me that I am "prettyful". This morning: Mommy, you are sexy.

:shock: excuse me? where did you hear that?

L: :laughing: No where! I heard it from my own voice!

Oh my. Only PBS for you today, kid.

We get several squirrels on our back deck trying to eat the bird seed. The kids have taken it upon themselves to be the keepers and protectors of the birds and bird seed. NO! and GO! are yelled out to the squirrels over breakfast so much that I think that's what Lennox thinks they are called.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Funny Story

"Lennox just kicked me in the eyebrow!"

It's sayings like this, with just a tweak about them that cause a tattling to make Mommy try not to laugh while disciplining.

I know that all our of children say and do hilarious things. So to avoid being "that" parent, I have decided to start saving the real jewels of our day to day life with 2 little kiddos. Also so as not to forget myself how adorkable my little piggies were when they were just starting out, I am creating this live journal of sorts.

This is mostly for memory's sake, but if you need a little giggle, well then, enjoy!